Sustainable Mining
using an environmentally friendly Cyanid Substitute

The Changing Investment Climate for Mining
The mining Industry has many opportunities driven by the increasing demand for new and old metals and minerals needed within the zero emissions economy of this changing world. But with these opportunities comes responsibilities; public opinion is changing and the demand for cleaner and more sustainable practices is getting louder

Environmental and Social Impact Targets
Scythian Mining maintains a keen commitment to the local community and environment through aligning with the UN Sustainable Development Goals, specifically the Environmental and Social Impact Targets. Addressing the global challenges we face, Scythian is committed to achieving a better and more sustainable future for all

Becoming an Intelligent Mining Company with waste reduction &
zero emissions
Mining companies must act on their carbon footprint and environmental impact in order to meet the targets set by the UN or National or International bodies. Failure to do so will expose them to the risk of fines or other sanctions imposed as a result, it is these risks, plus the negative publicity of being a “polluter” that is increasingly swaying investor decisions. Scythian is commiteed to minimising environmental risks and increasing productivity by becoming an “Intelligent Mining Company”, and by:
Developing a digital strategy & managing digital transformations
Automating Operations and digitizing assets
Establishing a Digital mine Nerve center
By monitoring all aspects of the mining operation to reduce waste, maximize metal recovery, and achieve zero emissions
Our Commitment
Following our Scythian Heritage of preserving our future, SMG is creating a
Green, self-funding Mining Growth Platform in Central Asia
Clean Mining
No cyanide as well as “Emissions Free Mining” using Certified Emission Reductions, EFECs, or 20MW solar & wind generation systems
>70% Au recovery from oxide zone, 47% in the transitional ore using intended gravity circuit-Knelson Concentrators
Our business strategies reflect our heritage of loving gold and nature, reaping the rewards of the earth’s riches, whilst giving back to the earth
Once the oxide ore is mined, we will switch to tank leaching using Clean Mining Technology solutions instead of cyanide
Two near-production Au assets, selected for low OpEx & CapEx costs, based on simple open cut mining & simple metallurgy
TAG and porphyry style deposits are our preferred exploration model